


2nd interdisciplinary symposium in Mohren
on the topic of
Quality  Qualities
from 4.9.2004 to 12.9.2004


Your application should be composed of following points:

  1. Name, address, e-mail, date of birth, nationality, occupation
  2. Curriculum vitae
  3. Short description of your work and research field.
    For artists: portfolio, documentation or pictures of the artistic work.
  4. Brief explanation, why you would like to participate in the symposium.
    What does Interdisciplinary mean to you?
    Which relation do you have to the subject Quality?
    Which questions would you like to work on during the symposium week? What is the objective?
  5. Optional: project description, if an idea exists already.
    In which way or with what kind of means would you like to work? What kind of equipment (material, technical equipment, etc.) would you need?

The application can be sent either by e-mail or regular mail, by latest 30th May 2004. We will confirm the receipt of the applications with a short e-mail; the participants of the symposium Mohren 04 will be notified by us in the last week of June.

Uli Schläpfer
Mohren 293
CH - 9411 Reute

Tel. Mohren: ++41 (0)71 77 002 77
Mobile Isabel: ++41 (0)76 334 95 59